Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday/Jan. 22,2011

The spring that I thought was here, will have winter kick her butt again tonight. Will freeze here in Florida. Dang, I was really, really ,really wanting to start thinking about a new pair of flip-flops. Guess, I will just have to wait a few weeks longer.
I was thinking about all the books I have read in my life. What good friends they have made over the years. I would like to have one of those electronic book readers, but there is nothing like the feel of a book in your hands.
What would happen to the libraries? I cringe to think that they would, at some point, cease to exist. I loved the library in the small town where I grew up. It was a beautiful building and had wonderful furnishings. I would hate to think that some modern store front type building could replace it.
They are thinking about building a new high school. It is sad, because the old one looks like a stately mansion on a hill. I hate think about it being replaced with some awful modern sprawl.
I love old buildings. Like old people they have paid their dues and should not be forgotten. The courthouse in our county here in Florida is a lovely old building. But they compromised and now have another more modern building far out in the woods. While it is a nice building, the one in downtown is by far the more interesting one.
It would be wonderful if people really looked at old buildings and remembered that they have a history. They should be preserved whenever possible.
I do like some new buildings. Some of them are very interesting. I would hate to stifle the creative endeavors of new architectural artists, but I am just not into all the sharp edges.
I am rambling today. So, maybe tomorrow will find me in a more creative mood.

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