Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Last day of school

Today is the last day of school for my grandkids. No more getting up early, no more stresses about classes, grades or peers. An entire summer before them.
I was remembering what the last day of school was like for me. In grade school, there was always the class picnic. Everyone brought a lunch to school and we went to the park for the afternoon and played games, such as Red Rover, Tag, and such. The school always provided the Orange Soda. Today, I can not stand Orange soda. It reminds of school picnics.
I hope my grands have some wonderful memories of the past year. Something to take away and store in their memories about the year and what they have accomplished.
Memories of their school years will be vastly different from the 50's when I was in school. The learning and school experience is very different. The summers are vastly different from the 50's. It all seems so very structured now. Seems so little freedom is now given to kids. I wonder how much more structured my youngest granddaughters school years will be. Worries me.
I've known kids that are home schooled and yes, they have more freedom, but somehow it seems, that not a lot of learning happens. So I don't think that is the solution to giving our kids more freedom or learning.
I guess if I could figure this all out I would win an Education prize of some sort. No one seems to be really thinking about kids as people. As well, rounded people. While we emphasize math, science ,and literature, we seem to have lost focus on Art and Music. I would like to see a inclusion of all things into schools. I would start with history. If you are going to teach about the French Revolution, include not just the history, but the art, the music, the math, the science, etc. of that period.
Oh well, I hope my grands have a wonderful summer. Hope my readers also have a wonderful summer.
Remember, your last days of school years with fondness.


  1. Ha, sorry folks, I was somewhat still asleep when I wrote this. I will try to better next time.
