Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Education (yes, again)!

June 30, 1951 the NAACP begins their push against segregation in the public school systems. With some success the goal has been met, however, it all depends on how deeply you look.
Here in Florida and much of the south, there are private schools that cater to a segregation of sorts. Some are Christian schools, others are just very private and uppity. There are those districts, that because of the area they are in, are afforded to only those children whose parents live in mini-mansions, gated communities. Other less fortunate kids are stuck with inner-city schools that continually fail to perform to some perceived goal. These schools are not supported by a wealthy tax base.
So, I guess it is how you look at the topic of segregation to see if the lofty goals of each child getting their deserved education really has taken place in the last 60 years. I don't think it has.
60 years of trying to solve larger questions than the human mind can comprehend. Until, all people are seen as equals, treated as equals, true goals will never happen.
As a 60 year old, I don't know why such things bother me. My kids are grown and out of the school system, even my grandchildren are nearly done with the Public education system. None the less, it does indeed bother me. Every child should be given the opportunity to succeed, no matter his economic standing. Arrrrgh! I want to scream!
At 60 years of age, I think I see the injustice more clearly. Not just of education, but basic human rights.
Yet, I watch the rants of the Right and am amazed at the narrow little minds that prevail in the world.
Please, someone tell me that I am not the only one who sees that to survive, we must now think of humanity and not nationality, religion, or gender.
Ahhh, the rants of an old woman!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Last day of school

Today is the last day of school for my grandkids. No more getting up early, no more stresses about classes, grades or peers. An entire summer before them.
I was remembering what the last day of school was like for me. In grade school, there was always the class picnic. Everyone brought a lunch to school and we went to the park for the afternoon and played games, such as Red Rover, Tag, and such. The school always provided the Orange Soda. Today, I can not stand Orange soda. It reminds of school picnics.
I hope my grands have some wonderful memories of the past year. Something to take away and store in their memories about the year and what they have accomplished.
Memories of their school years will be vastly different from the 50's when I was in school. The learning and school experience is very different. The summers are vastly different from the 50's. It all seems so very structured now. Seems so little freedom is now given to kids. I wonder how much more structured my youngest granddaughters school years will be. Worries me.
I've known kids that are home schooled and yes, they have more freedom, but somehow it seems, that not a lot of learning happens. So I don't think that is the solution to giving our kids more freedom or learning.
I guess if I could figure this all out I would win an Education prize of some sort. No one seems to be really thinking about kids as people. As well, rounded people. While we emphasize math, science ,and literature, we seem to have lost focus on Art and Music. I would like to see a inclusion of all things into schools. I would start with history. If you are going to teach about the French Revolution, include not just the history, but the art, the music, the math, the science, etc. of that period.
Oh well, I hope my grands have a wonderful summer. Hope my readers also have a wonderful summer.
Remember, your last days of school years with fondness.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1,2011

It is lovely this morning. Sun is shining and so far it isn't very hot. Not much was happening in 1951 on this day. The first titanium plant opened in Henderson, Nev.. I guess that is worth mentioning for those of you who care about such things.
I remember, June, as being the first full month of summer vacation. Summers filled with swimming and playing. I don't even remember thinking about anything else. There were bike rides, friends, and just having fun.
This summer, one of my Granddaughters, will be in Drivers Education. While I love the woman she is growing into, I sure miss that little girl that she was. Another Granddaughter, is off to several camps and serving communities through her church. Again, I can see them both swirling in fancy dresses for a wedding, and being thrilled that the dresses swished. Sweet cherub faces aglow with little girl things. Yet, there still is one Granddaughter to discover swirling fancy dresses, dolls, and such.
One Grandson (now all grown up) is off doing Army stuff. He is fulfilling a dream and I wish him well. But I miss the sweet little boy that was always thrilled to see Grandma. Another Grandson has a few jobs here and there to keep him busy, but he did tell me that he would like to spend most of his summer with me. I know that would last about a week, as I don't have a gaming system, or first run movies on the t.v., but I would love to have him here.
I remember spending time at my Uncle Wayne's farm in central Illinois. Oh, it was truly magical for me. My cousin, Larry, had horses and I would spend lots of time talking to his horse "Rascal". My cousin Linda was, to my way of thinking, beautiful and wonderful. Uncle Wayne let me hang out with him, ride the tractor and help build a fence around the farm. My Aunt Geraldine, was a wonderful cook and I helped (?) there. There was always something wonderful going on at their house.
Well, here is to summer childhood memories. I hope my readers have their own