I couldn't find much happening in August of 1951. So, I thought I would ramble on a few things that I have had on my tiny little mind.
I urge all to read the book or, at the very least, to see the movie; "The Help". It is wonderful novel that shows a unique side to "domestic" help, that the majority of people might not think about.
After reading this wonderful book, I got to thinking about how I was brought up to interact with different races of people.
My mother was the original "Archie Bunker". I guess her ranting never took with my sister and I. I tried very hard to raise my boys so that they wouldn't judge folks by the color of their skin, nationality, or gender. One son learned the lesson, one son still has issues with some of different color or nationality, but he would never be mean or hateful to anyone, because he is a kind and gentle soul.
Growing up in a small southern Illinois town didn't give for much interaction with anyone from a different race. There were black families, but due to the time in history, I guess I didn't really give it any thought, until I was in high school. Even then I don't remember thinking about race relations that much.
I knew what was happening in the south was wrong, but like so many folks today, it didn't seem to affect me, so I just didn't think about it.
When the Equal Rights Movement started, that is when I became more aware of all inequalities. The Women's Movement spoke to me in ways that nothing else ever had. I guess I could see how women had been second class citizens and were indoctrinated to believe that we needed to marry, have children, and that was it! The whole Cinderella myth. What I wanted to know was, what happened to Cinderella when her kids moved out, or her husband left her for Snow White? What if Cinderella didn't find a Prince Charming but a frog? What if Cinderella found that she wanted the whole kingdom and to heck with Prince Charming? No one could answer that until the women's movement came along.
Now, I see things like the "Bachelorette, The Real Housewives of (you put in the place name), Toddlers and Tiaras, " etc. What, just what, are we teaching our daughters and granddaughters? Also, what kind of messages are being sent to our sons and grandsons?
Then we have the ultra right-wing, trying to put us all back in the 50's. What the hell is that all about?
Now, don't get me wrong, I am a housewife and I love being at home. However, when I am home, I am not cleaning and cooking for 24/7. I get a lot of art work done, and just have the freedom to do what I want, when I want. I love having the freedom and space. It seems that at 60 I am just discovering who I am. It is a wonderful thing.
I admit that I do still see the colors and nationalities, but I try with all I have to ignore those distinctions. I encourage my grandchildren to see people as just people. I hope and pray that at some point in the future there will be no need to fight for anyone's rights.
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